Awards and Grants
1969 - 1974 Study at the Free Academy/Industrial Art School Mannheim with Professor Hans Nagel, Walter Koch and Hubert Gems
1974 Freelance artistic activity
1974 - 1978 Teaching activity at the city youth welfare office Ludwigshafen
1975 Projects for the company Multiwerbung, screen printings
1975 Foundation of the Printing Studio for Etchings
Organization of courses
Execution of printings for artists
1975 - 1977 Initial member of the Art Group »Pegasus«
Organization of exhibition
1980 - 1981 Free lecturer activity for etching and lithography at the professional association of artists in Mannheim
1980 - 1986 Painting lessons at the IMC - International Employees Club/BASF
1984 Printing Studio for etching and lithography »HartmannStrasse 45«
1985 -1987 Initial member of the Art Group »Gruppe Trotzdem«
Organization of exhibition
1986 - 1996 Gallery and Edition »HartmannStrasse 45« and »Der Aktionsraum« in Ludwigshafen
Organization of exhibition
s and cultural events
1988 - 1990 Free lecturer activity for etching and lithography at the Free Art School Mannheim
1998 - 1999 Fulltime training for DTP - Assistant
1999 Practical training at INDM - Internet-Dienste Mannheim
2000 - 2003

Freelancer at Fasihi Database Internet Service

2002 L & W Cooperation webdesign and multimedia
DieGeoGAL - Gallery of Georg Gruber.
2003 Freelancer at Hefner & Patzak

Ausstellungen, Preise und Stipendien

Exhibitions, Awards and Grants
Referenzen References