Postcard Book

(Shameless Beautiful)
Postcard Book with 16 postcards

Price: Euro 10,00

There are a lot of nude photographs. But few of them are erotic pictures. Often the models have the charm of a lifeless display dummy - there is no personal atmosphere. Guenther Wilhelm however shows us women of flesh and blood in his pictures. His models are partners for him on the way through the unlimited area of erotic fantasy. Togehter they play with light, movements, accessoires and appealing materials. Traitorous marks, strained skin, curving meat - Guenther Wilhelm and his models succeed to make contacts and feelings visible and thus sympathetic for the viewer. By well-directed light arrangements our eyes move like groping feelers over mountains and valleys of desire. Transparent materials and mysterious fetishs mask the visible and sharpen at the same time our fantasy. Guenther Wilhelm tells in its photographies of the fun of physical experiences, of sweet pain, of liberating binding and raising degradation. Here a man takes pictures, who admires and loves the female. That makes his pictures delightful and each of his models the meat-become Venus. Simply shameless beautiful instead of charmless boring.

Thomas Manelli Mann 1995


Postkarte 1

Postkarte 2

Postkarte 3

Postkarte 4


Postkarte 5

Postkarte 6

Postkarte 7

Postkarte 8



Postkarte 10

Postkarte 11

Postkarte 12


Postkarte 13

Postkarte 14

Postkarte 15

You can order single postcard for Euro 1,00